Sunday 22 September 2013

...helpful and uses her time and abilities wisely

Using my time and abilities wisely is something I find hard to balance. I seem to flip between doing everything at once and doing nothing. At the moment, for example, I'm writing this blog, printing out handouts for a paper I'm presenting tomorrow in Cambridge, changing the printer cartridge, thinking about the cardigan I'm knitting, repeatedly staring out of the window, and wishing I was playing Plants vs Zombies instead.

After I finished my Queen's Guide Award, I planned to start saying 'no' much more often. Having moved away from the places where people know I'll agree to help out with pretty much anything, I thought things would be simpler. To some degree they are. I'm no longer a student representative in my department, or a tutor in a Halls of Residence, or the secretary on a committee. Unfortunately, though this saves me more time to dedicate to my thesis, Guides, and my partner (not necessarily in that order), I now have more time to procrastinate (hence Plants vs Zombies).

As for being helpful, all I can say is that I try my best. I'm trying (not massively successfully) to be tidier around the house - except in my office, which needs clutter so that I can actually work in it. I try to help if I see a problem, but there are times when it seems inappropriate to interfere. I did manage to do some first aid this week and I didn't even cause the injury in the first place (and for once, I wasn't the casualty!). Being helpful is an opportunistic thing sometimes - being proactive isn't always using your time wisely.

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