Sunday 2 February 2014

...faces challenge and learns from her experiences

So, once again I've been away from the blog for a while. If I'm ever going to finish the full Senior Section programme, though, I have to finish this blog.

Anyone who knows me will also know that I'm not the kind of person to turn down a challenge. I think that challenge can be a good think. It forces us to stretch beyond what we would normally achieve and to face up to thing we find difficult. Challenge is different for everyone. For some people, a challenge can be to face a long-held fear. For others, it can be learning or trying something new. Sometimes, we problems are just thrown in our paths and have to be dealt with.

Part of the reason why I've been away from the blog for so long is that I'm in the middle of completing what has been an immense challenge for me. My PhD is coming to an end, which means paperwork, formatting, editing, and last minute panics. The other reason is that when you put a project like this blog down, it can be hard to pick it up again. You think, "I'll do it next week - it'll be fine!", and only several weeks (or months) later do you realise that the deadline is approaching.

Learning from experience isn't quite the same as facing challenge. Challenge can test your limits, and you can learn whether you can defeat a challenge or let it pass you by. For me, learning to say "no" to some challenges is the hardest part of this Guide Law. In the past I've taken on more than I should have. I've always coped, but while I've learned, achieved, and benefited, I've also had more stress that is healthy. Sometimes the best way to deal with challenge is to look it in the eye and say, "Not today, thanks". But then again, it looks so interesting...

P.S. Here's a link to how I've managed to stay sane through my PhD.

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