Thursday 20 February 2014

... respects all living things and takes care of the world around her.

This is the easy one, right? Just do a bit of recycling, remember not to kick puppies, and you'll be fine. Except that a Guide promises to do her best with all parts of the Law and not just to take the easiest way.

It's perhaps the most topical of the Laws. While all of the Laws are relevant to Guides today as much as they were to Guides in the past, this Law is the one which comes to mind most of all. What with the evidence of climate change showing in the floods close to home and the huge winter storms in America, the environment and the world around us seems more precious than ever.

One of the things it seems hardest to get any group of Guides to do, no matter what Unit you're in, is the tidying up at the end of the session. My own Unit is no exception. I was so proud of one of my Guides recently, though - when tidying up and taking some rubbish away, she asked where the recycling bin was. Unfortunately, our hall doesn't have a recycling bin - something we need to address in the future.

We also need to work more with animals through the Unit. My Guides are rural girls - almost all of them have pets, or contact with animals like horses. It can be a good way to get Guides out-of-doors and back to nature. We also have a local Dogs Trust centre, which can be a good way to lead the girls into community service. Plus there's always the chance to earn an extra badge!

But what do I do to keep this Law? I try only to buy ethically sourced cosmetics - I avoid shampoo and other products that have been tested on animals wherever possible. I've looked after numerous animals while house-sitting for various friends and relatives. I recycle as much as I can. I've been involved in environmental projects whenever I've had the opportunity. I don't litter. I buy Green energy and try to turn off the lights. But it's not enough - the only way we can look after the world around us is if everyone not just the Guides pulls together.

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